Public Affairs

In the corridors of power, influence is everything. FELT Africa’s integrated team of experts helps you navigate high-level government networks, assess political landscapes, and engage public sector stakeholders with precision, mitigating risks and delivering tangible results.

Advocacy & Community Engagement

We build and nurture meaningful connections with communities, ensuring your initiatives are not only well-received but also foster enduring, positive relationships.

Political and Public Affairs

In the high-stakes world of politics, every decision reverberates. We masterfully manage public affairs, skillfully manoeuvring through intricate political landscapes to safeguard your interests and advance your agenda.

Comprehensive Policy Research

Our rigorous research approach provides the foundational insights needed for informed policy development.

Policy Evaluation and Strategic Analysis:

We meticulously assess existing policies, identifying deficiencies and proposing targeted improvements that align with your goals.

With FELT Africa, you can confidently navigate the public and government spheres, leveraging our expertise to achieve your goals.

Stand out and be FELT

Want to enhance your public and government relations? Let’s make it happen! 


Fill out the form below, and our team will be in touch to craft a strategy that ensures your message isn’t just heard – it’s FELT.

    Other Services

    Come to us for communication that is impactful and resonates with your target audience.

    Get media training and counsel from experts in media, government, digital, and data sectors

    We are uniquely skilled to help you handle high-profile crises and solve complex issues.