Comprehensive Media Training and Counsel

In a media landscape that evolves by the minute, your message needs to be as agile as it is impactful. At FELT Africa, we bring together industry veterans from media, government, digital, and data sectors to craft state-of-the-art media training and counsel that positions you at the forefront of the conversation.

Media Relations

We build and nurture powerful relationships with key media outlets, ensuring your brand’s story is told with clarity and influence.

Media Training

We refine your on-camera presence, coach you on voice modulation, and sharpen your ability to navigate tough questions with confidence, ensuring you always stay on message.

Influencer Outreach

We connect you with the influencers and thought leaders who can amplify your message and extend your reach, turning your communication into a movement.

Event Publicity

From product launches to press briefings, we manage every aspect of your event’s media relations, ensuring the spotlight is on you, and the coverage is impactful.

We apply a data-driven methodology to craft messages that resonate with clarity and influence, ensuring your communication leaves a profound and lasting impression on your audience.

Stand out and be FELT

Want to elevate your media presence? Let’s make it happen! 


Fill out the form below, and our team will be in touch to craft a strategy that ensures your message isn’t just heard – it’s FELT.

    Other Services

    Come to us for communication that is impactful and resonates with your target audience.

    Rely on us to navigate high-level government networks and engage public sector stakeholders.

    Get media training and counsel from experts in media, government, digital, and data sectors